The E-race: experienced runners do not hurry and visualize the finish line

The leading OEMs are now engaged in the Electrification race and customers are ready to adopt what is no longer a trend.

decisions in hours not weeks

Your next efficient ship design is closer than you think

Speed up your simulations, get better information and increased realism with our marine-focused tools.

Unlock the power of CFD simulation and go from 1 to 100s!

Learn how Simcenter STAR-CCM+ will help you unlock the power of your simulation process and go from 1 to 100s of designs in the blink of an eye!

May the (magnetic) Force be with you

One of the most interesting manifestations of magnetic phenomena is the motion that a magnetic field induces on some bodies and materials. This effect is used in several industrial applications, but are you able to compute it?

All grown up! 15 Years of using Simcenter STAR-CCM+

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ has come an awful long way in those 15 years since I started at CD-adapco

5 tips to unleash that one-off CFD simulation

Discover how to automate your CFD simulations like never before with Simcenter STAR-CCM+, and dive seamlessly into design space exploration.

Enjoy tuning your simulations? LOOK AWAY!

We live in the day of automatic. It seems like every day there is a new task that can be…

HL-20 re-entry vehicle simulation with the new adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) feature

What’s New in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2020.1?

With Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2020.1, we are enabling faster meshing, smarter solvers and greater collaboration to help you make better engineering decisions in hours to achieve your next innovative…

Effortless convergence in CFD. It will make your day!

In Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2020.1 we are releasing a new Automatic CFL Control for the coupled solver providing out of the box convergence!