“We want you to benchmark our car”

“I want to tell you about the day I better understood my customer’s challenges and hence my job. I was Business Developer at Simcenter Engineering Services, leading projects on vehicle energy managem…

Membranes for separation of mixtures of gases or impurities from liquids

Fresh water is an increasingly scarce resource. Saving and recycling water makes environmental and economic sense. It is used in large quantities in the chemical and allied industries for cooling and…

Ready for the automotive revolution with Simcenter Amesim?

Whether your challenges are related to internal combustion engine systems or to electric vehicles, our Simcenter System Simulation solutions can help you addressing the complexity of smart, automated…

Achieving lighter vehicles with the use of composites

Achieving lighter vehicles by virtually mastering the resin transfer molding process of composite parts
Which factor has the largest impact on the energy efficiency of a vehicle? This ques…

Simulation, additive manufacturing and an ancient Greek philosopher

Let’s begin with a story.
As with all good stories, this one is also from a long time ago, in ancient Greece, where there once lived a great philosopher. His name was Pythagoras of Samos, …

Let’s have a head start on the next Formula Student Germany using Simcenter tools

Last week,  the first week of August, the Formula Student Germany took place at the famous racing circuit Hockenheimring. The concept of the competition is simple: students build, as a team, a s…

SCR – a Nightmare on Eng. Street

Once upon a time there were four brothers. Their names were U, U, U and S. As the second two U’s were twins and just looked exactly the same everybody just called them double-U (“W”). When you had UW…

Let’s break the cryogenic ice between you and LNG simulation

We are on July 15 th . What a sunny day here in Plymouth, UK!
During such a day, half of the total country energy is supplied by renewable energy, fantastic progress has been done from the past las…

Prozessindustrie: Simulation und Optimierung multiphysischer Probleme

In der Prozessindustrie können Ineffiziente Vermischungsprozessen zu hohen Verlusten und damit auch zu hohen Kosten führen. Häufig werden dabei analytische Berechnungen oder experimentelle Methoden a…