Act now: Final day of 2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event

Final Day, Friday, August 18th
Have  you heard? This event ends today, so have fun while it lasts.
Registration is as easy as clicking here
Something is happening hear… …

2017 Quadfecta/Day 3: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event, never too late to join

2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event
Day Three, Thursday, August 17th
You mean there’s more? Yes, two more days. Don’t miss them.
Registration is as easy a…

One if by land..Day 2 of 2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event

2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event
Day two, Wednesday, August 16th
Registration is as easy as clicking here
By land, or by sea, nothing stops a…

Suspense been killing you? Wait no longer – the 2017 Quadfecta is here!

                         Get out of the heat and join us at the coolest engineering event of the summer

How GM streamlines the engine design process

How GM streamlines the engine design process

Jeff Schlautman, analysis technical specialist at GM, explains how his department streamlines the engine design process by implementing a predictive engineering analytics approach, using Simcenter Am…

Santa’s on his way!

Santa’s a busy guy. He always gets you your presents just in the nick of time but he would like to have time to cuddle with Mrs. Claus with and enjoy Christmas himself! So check out how we are help…

World Records and The True Cost of Parallel Computing

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2019.2:
Communicate, inspire and innovate
The latest release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ will not only increase your productivity through powerful native automation but also gives …