
Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: What’s new?

By marta_s

Development teams around the globe are moving from verification-centric engineering methods and towards model-based engineering. With this approach, they can now achieve more pragmatic methods for early product performance prediction and support systems-driven product development. This emerging industry paradigm enables engineers to deliver innovation faster, with greater confidence and on lower costs with the creation of a product’s digital twin.

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1

And this is what the Simcenter Testlab 2019.1 release is about: assessing and using test-based data throughout the entire product development phases. While test-base information remains to play the key role in product validation and certification, we’re entering an era when test data becomes extremely important in the design and engineering phase. This data serves to create accurate component models.

The Simcenter Testlab 2019.1 release introduces new technologies and a series of functional enhancements, adding a dimension to the digitalization trend and effectively implementing the new role of physical testing.

The highlights of this release are: model-based system testing, component-based transfer path analysis, active sound design, solutions for AVAS, sound quality engineering, and pass-by noise engineering updates, as well as enhancements in Simcenter Testlab Neo.

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1 enhancements

Model-based system testing

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: Model-based system testing merges physical testing and simulation into one working environment
Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: Model-based system testing

Model-based system testing solutions offer a unique working environment, merging physical testing and simulation processes. By embedding simulation models in physical testing workflows, Simcenter Testlab 2019.1 unlocks the potential for engineering teams to accelerate product development.

Learn more about the seamless connection between Simcenter Testlab and Simcenter simulation software, including Simcenter Amesim; a combination that enables you to carry out model-based product development efficiently and accurately.


NVH synthesis with component-based TPA

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: Component-based TPA

The new noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) synthesis solution uses component-based transfer path analysis (TPA) technologies to predict full system NVH performance from individual component models and loads. Engineers can now characterize the NVH performance of multiple vehicle variants without having to wait for full vehicle prototypes to be available and without having to test each one of the variants separately. It allows engineers to investigate advanced what-if scenarios to predict the effect of the different variants of selected components, enabling faster vibration and noise assessments at earlier stages of the design process. This component-based solution suite offers all capabilities needed to support the entire TPA process efficiently and productively.


Trends in pass-by noise engineering

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: Pass-by noise engineering enhancements

To reflect on the current international noise regulations, the latest version of Simcenter Testlab brings numerous updates for pass-by noise engineering. The Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) requirement is being imposed worldwide, and while the automotive manufacturers are challenged to continuously decrease the pass-by noise levels of the ICE vehicles, electrified vehicle manufacturers are now required to add artificial sounds while driving at low speed.  This release offers solutions for both trends.


Active sound design

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: Active sound design

The quiet operation of electrified vehicles opens opportunities for creating distinctive driving experiences by adding new sounds reflecting a brand’s identity. The Simcenter sound design solution – a new module in Simcenter Testlab, enables you to create a unique signature to add to the original sound of the vehicle. The final synthesized sound is based on driving parameters in real time. Moreover, Sound Designer is an excellent tool both for exterior and interior acoustic engineering. In addition to providing new sounds for electrified cars, it can be also used for enhancing combustion engine car noise.


Sound quality engineering

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1: Sound quality engineering

As sound quality engineering is gaining importance as an element of branding across industries, Simcenter Testlab 2019.1 introduces major enhancements in this domain. In this release, sound quality engineering solutions have been extended with key functionalities for advanced audio replay, analysis, additional metrics, and much more.


More Simcenter Testlab enhancements

Simcenter Testlab 2019.1 comes with a variety of new enhancements you cannot miss. These enhancements include the Testlab’s evolution suite: Testlab Neo. It provides all the tools you need to cope with the new role of Simulation, to cope with the growing data-volumes, and to be even more efficient in maximizing the data in the fields of acoustic testing and durability testing, among other.


Are one of the privileged Simcenter Testlab users? Get familiar with this release and test yourself the new features and updates, upgrade your software today.


Marta Sambaer


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at