
Simulations, dreams and visions

I remember endless discussions about mathematical modelling with peers and professors when I was at university. We talked about mathematical models and numerical methods, but the most interesting and exciting part of the discussion was always about visions and dreams. I remember one of my professors saying that he was dreaming of modelling an emerging submarine. He was clearly talking about the 3D CFD model of a moving body immersed into a fluid. Simcenter Flomaster is not a 3D CFD tool so we cannot use it to model the external pressure and velocity field of an emerging submarine. Yet, thanks to the new physical developments, it is now possible to model the dynamics of a submarine during an emerging event. In Simcenter Flomaster 2019.1 it is possible to define the emerging profile of the submarine and to model the sea water moving in ballast tanks and in piping systems as a result of the dynamic variation of attitude and acceleration.

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For me this is a great achievement, both from a technical and from a personal point of view. It allows our users to model new physics and design better systems from one side. From the other side it allows me to connect back to my times at the university, times when I started exploring the world of simulation and had plenty of visionary discussions about this amazing world.

Alberto Deponti


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