
Suspense been killing you? Wait no longer – the 2017 Quadfecta is here!

                         Get out of the heat and join us at the coolest engineering event of the summer

                             The 2017 Quadfecta: Engineer Better Products with Simulation & Test event

                                                       Troy Marriott, August 15th-18th, 2017

4 days, 4 tracks for a total of 15 full day (only three seminars on the last day) free engineering seminars loaded with feature rich engineering content covering much of the Simcenter Simulation and Test portfolio of Siemens PLM Software.

See image of very cool engineer racing to get their spot at this event.(Note the lack of shoes…)

Motor cycle flow.pngIn addition to engaging seminars, attendees will enjoy sumptuous food, well-tuned air conditioning, and ice-cold beverages. Not to mention sponsor presentations, solution demonstration stations, and a magician who will WOW you during your breaks. 

Are you still wondering if Quadfecta 2017 is the place to be? It is!

Interested in learning more? Click here to register.

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at