Simcenter Tire launches Tire Model Marketplace to democratize tire model parameters

Simcenter Tire launches Tire Model Marketplace to democratize tire model parameters

Siemens Digital Industries Software announces the launch of the Simcenter Tire Model Marketplace, a new way for vehicle OEMs and…

Five reasons for Aerospace professionals to attend the Simcenter Conference

From Aerospace to Amsterdam: Five reasons for Aerospace professionals to attend the Simcenter Conference

A speaker viewed more than five million times, a keynote built on 100+ years of product design experience, 15 Aerospace…

Design safe and reliable landing gear ready for future aircraft configurations

When you sip from your cappuccino and look out on the tarmac from your favorite airport café it’s hard to imagine that those aircraft slowly taxiing, and gliding do that with a highly optimized piece…

10 weeks and counting…

There are now over 160 speakers committed to present their engineering innovations at the Simcenter Conference this December.   
A…is for Airbus, discussing their air condition…

“We want you to benchmark our car”

“I want to tell you about the day I better understood my customer’s challenges and hence my job. I was Business Developer at Simcenter Engineering Services, leading projects on vehicle energy managem…

Fast and accessible simulation for design engineers

The world of simulation has come a long way over the past few years. One of the most significant changes is the addition of know-how embedded in the software to help design engineers use simulation s…

Upcoming Winter tire testing campaign

Upcoming Winter tire testing campaign
We are pleased to announce that the Simcenter Tyre team will be testing tires under winter conditions in February and March 2020, resulting in low friction ti…

Achieving lighter vehicles with the use of composites

Achieving lighter vehicles by virtually mastering the resin transfer molding process of composite parts
Which factor has the largest impact on the energy efficiency of a vehicle? This ques…

Electromagnetics in the Age of Industry 4.0

Imagine our lives without our smart gadgets? La vie without electromagnetics? In fact, go a step further, the very existence of life on earth depends on the Earth’s magnetic field. Without it, solar …