Simcenter BDS 2019.2

Simcenter BDS 2019.2 is now available for download. For this release, developments and new features focus on the performance gains in the Distributed Model and the RCR model export to Simcenter Amesi…

Simcenter Prescan 2019.2 release

Simcenter Prescan 2019.2 announces the official 1.0 launch of the Matlab Data Model API and the introduction of three Ground Truth outputs for the Unreal Physics Based Camera.
Ground T…

One Giant Leap

Fifty years ago, millions of people from across the globe witnessed an extraordinary event. On July 16th, a rocket carrying three astronauts left the earth carrying the hopes and dreams of an entire …

Let’s break the cryogenic ice between you and LNG simulation

We are on July 15 th . What a sunny day here in Plymouth, UK!
During such a day, half of the total country energy is supplied by renewable energy, fantastic progress has been done from the past las…

Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.1: What’s New?

Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.1: What’s New?
Simcenter FLOEFD 2019.1 was released in March 2019. With this release, a new version numbering was introduced and the switch to a continuous release wa…

What’s New in Simcenter Flomaster 2019.1

Simcenter Flomaster 2019.1 is the latest feature rich release that helps users to enhance their productivity and enables new physical phenomena to be modelled. The complete list of features can be fo…

Dynamische Simulation von Schläuchen, Kabeln und Kabelbäumen

In zahlreichen Produkten sorgen Schläuche, Kabel und Kabelbäume für die Übertragung von Energie und Signalen und sind dabei dynamischen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Wenn diese die Anforderungen jedoch nic…

Simcenter 3D 2019.2: What’s New?

Simcenter 3D 2019.2: Advancing the state of the art
Simcenter 3D has been at the forefront in advancing the state of the art for engineering simulation, and this latest release continues to build …

Circuit breakers, thunders and the challenges of multiphysics

I suspect nobody of us is eager to be hit by a lightning strike. The experience would be – in the best case – very painful. Lightning is a violent electrical discharge that turns the gas into a hot, …