Simulation-driven ship design: how to have your cake and eat it

My daughter has recently discovered a love of baking. Every weekend she chooses a new recipe from her cookbook, buys the ingredients then sets out to make her latest creation. As a parent I’m encoura…

Well control equipment: Metal hat, Fireproof coveralls… CFD

In the Oil & Gas industry, the integration of possible risk linked with well control — such as subsea plume, atmospheric dispersion, fire and explosion — is critical for minimizing impact on the …

Simcenter 3D 2019.1: What’s New?

Product development and design are being reinvented to make use of new materials, create lighter shapes, and take advantage of new manufacturing methods. The latest release of Simcenter 3D integrates…

Celebrating Engineer INNOVATION


“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower” – Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple Corporation
From Archimedes to Galileo, Newton and Navier, history i…

Simcenter SPEED – Rapid electric machine design software

As medias and governments are pushing for ‘Electrification’ as a global hype solution against Global Warming… industry players have to quickly embrace this pushed revolution nobody can ignore anymo…

Why transfer path analysis is not established technology

280.000.000 results. That’s what you get when typing ‘transfer path analysis’ in Google Search. No wonder. The TPA methodology exists for over 20 years and is widely applied across all industries. Ho…

Is this the electric vehicle that we’ve all been waiting for?

Uniti One is an EV that just makes more sense.
I have to confess: I have caught the Uniti fever. It all started last April when Werner Custers and I shot a little movie at the Uniti headquart…

Relating AM Conditions and Fatigue Performance of 3D Printed Metallic Parts

You must have heard about Additive Manufacturing (AM) and if you haven’t it is currently a disruptive change in the manufacturing process industry. Widely known as 3D-printing, Additive Manufacturing…

The State of Simulation 2018: Lessons from the Simcenter Conference

I just got back from the US Simcenter Conference in Detroit, most of which I spent locked in a small room interviewing attendees on video about their experiences with our products, and of the confere…