Simcenter STAR-CCM+ v13.04: Who needs paper?

Do you? Sometimes paper seems like the best support to jot down ideas for your next simulation. On the first day of my first job, I was taken straight away to the office supply cabinet to stock up on…

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ v13.04: Get into your stride with VOF Multi-Step

One of the highlights of the elementary school sports day when I was growing up was the three legged race where one participant would have their left ankle tied to the right ankle of their team mate….

2018 Simcenter Conference: Why you NEED to attend.

Engineering can often be a lonely pursuit. For all the talk of “teamwork” and “collaboration,” most simulation engineers spend a significant amount of their working week alone in a cubicle staring (o…

Used & Abused: The Life of an Airplane Seat.

Air Travel. What kind of thoughts comes to mind when you think of it? Luxury? Glamour? More often than not, these days it conjures up more stoic terms: endurance, perseverance. Well if that’s how you…

The Art of Engineering through Design Exploration

In 2017 my house turned 100 years old.  Over the course of that 100 years it has had a relatively interesting life.  Constructed in the lush, forested, Pacific Northwest at the turn of…

Simulation-Driven Design: Generate Completely New Design Concepts

Welcome back to the third part of our simulation-driven design blog series! If you haven’t read the previous posts, you can do so here:
Part 1: The Age of Simulation-Driven Design Part 2…

Virtually Simulate Vehicle Pass-by Noise in an Inherently Controlled Environment

Sirens. Before you see the ambulance, you hear them, right? And then it increases as the ambulance comes close, passes by, and then fades away as the ambulance moves away, that’s the instantly recogn…

Composites Curing: A Recipe for Success

The manufacture of thermoset composites (referred to as composites curing) has to-date followed a very similar artistic process, and the challenge is to find the right recipe.

Preview: Simcenter STAR-CCM+ v13.04

The latest release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ will help you to engineer innovation.
Driven by the competing demands of evolving customer expectations and increased emis…