Winter is coming, and your aircraft can feel it! Discover how simulation and testing help you design ice protection systems to ensure flight safety.
How much greener can a Headless Horseman truly become without a fake pumpkin head? Aerodynamics CFD will reveal the answer
Go faster while modeling the complexity, explore engineering possibilities and turn complexity into a competitive advantage with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210.
Can Simcenter help us to stay fitter and healthier? Read how simulation can help increase our performance in sports.
Running high-fidelity CFD like Aeroacoustics or LES on GPUs in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210 allows significant speed-up, energy and cost savings.
Before we even think about cloud HPC, let’s look back at how Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has been quietly transforming our lives…
Discrete Element Method (DEM) Simulation enable engineers to simulate fibers and bulk material fast and accurate.
Where exactly does hypersonic fit into the flow regime of speeds and what’s so special about it with regards to its physics?
The flip-flop engineering symposium Monday, December 9, 2019, 7 pm. Sunset Beach Elementary School Cafeteria, Oahu’s North Shore, Hawaii. Two…