Digital Testing Symposium

Access all presentation material from our August 26, 2020 Event Learn how Testing is Evolving with the Digital Revolution Future…

Digital twin - Innovation for a better world

Why the Digital Twin is not about technology

Digital Twin is about people and processes. Technology is just the tool that serves a higher purpose:Innovation for a better world.

Achieving the perfect cook with CFD

Grill Masters – Unveiling the secrets with CFD

A grill that is too hot or too cold will be a thing of the past when you cook with…

Qsources: Q-MED frequency response curve applied to acoustic FRF

In this blog post, learn more about the calibration factsheet provided with calibration service of the Simcenter Qsources Exciters. In…

Simcenter Testlab for testing

What is Simcenter Testlab? And what can I use it for?

Learn about Simcenter Testlab software for data collection, analytics, and modeling, and watch the free on-demand webinar for even more insights.

Realize Live

Realize LIVE: Less razzle, but still plenty of dazzle

Realize LIVE kicked off today, not with the excitement and razzmatazz of Las Vegas but packed full of first-hand stories of success.


Virtual Sensors accuracy improved by Test and Simulation

Learn how to use test and simulation software for model-based system testing (MBST) to optimize tests, have better models and more accurate virtual sensors.

Can this little turbo-expander help save the planet?

A small British start-up uses cutting-edge engineering in air cycle refrigeration to improve engine efficiency Unlike most start-ups, Chris Whelan…

Chengdu Battery Management Systems

Chengdu: battery management system lab to reduce testing

Discover how the Chengdu battery management system lab uses virtual testing to minimize the cost and time of testing physical battery prototypes