HiMSEN engine

Tomorrow’s power, today: optimizing marine engine performance with system simulation

IMO GHG 2050, ECA, Tier III, Sulphur Cap 2020 … These acronyms are a clear source of headaches for shipyards,…

diesel outboard motor from cox marine

Designing the world’s most powerful diesel outboard motor

Simulation reduced product development time by 50 to 80 percent


Towards safe and autonomous drones with COMP4DRONES

The contribution of Simcenter Amesim to the European research project COMP4DRONES on autonomous drones safety and reliability.

What would win in a race, Ice Cream or Apple Sauce?

What would win in a race? Ice Cream or Apple Sauce? The answer isn’t as easy as you would first think.

Main thermal nodes of the machine model

Thermal simulation of electric machines

Facilitating innovation in thermal integration of electric machines Efficiency regulations for electrical machines are placing greater demands on electrical machine…


Chengdu: VEM lab to boost vehicle performance

Find out how the Chengdu VEM lab at the Engineering Center couples advanced testing solutions with in-depth physics simulation to take fuel efficiency to the next level.


Virtual Sensors accuracy improved by Test and Simulation

Learn how to use test and simulation software for model-based system testing (MBST) to optimize tests, have better models and more accurate virtual sensors.

Don Miller Award - System Simulation

System Simulation: Don Miller Award Winners for Excellence in Thermo-Fluid Design

The winners of the Don Miller Award for Excellence in System Level Thermo-Fluid Design have been announced

Can this little turbo-expander help save the planet?

A small British start-up uses cutting-edge engineering in air cycle refrigeration to improve engine efficiency Unlike most start-ups, Chris Whelan…