Slime modeling and why you should care

What makes slime gooey, slippery and slimy? Slime is considered to be a viscoelastic substance, this means that it exhibits…

Cranfield University and Siemens Industry Software join strengths together to support the aerospace companies meet their environmental agenda

Move the aircraft propulsion electrification to the next level through simulation

Cranfield University and Siemens Industry Software join strengths together to support the aerospace companies meet their environmental agenda

How to eat the autonomous driving verification elephant?

Siemens launches the Simcenter Prescan360 solution to unlock orchestrated cluster-based simulation for large scale virtual verification. Over the next several…

What’s new in Simcenter Prescan 2019.3?

Simcenter Prescan, the best physics-based simulation platform for testing and development of automated vehicles, announces the release of version 2019.3….

British Hydro Research Association (BHRA) test facility, ca. 1978

Physics, Physics and Visual Physics

When it comes to simulation software, being able to accurately model the physical phenomena of interest is key. Simcenter Flomaster…

Go beyond classic vehicle dynamics approaches

Objectively quantify body rigidity design changes

Deploying a body target setting process for handling performance requires objective quantification of body rigidity design changes on body and vehicle level. Read on and discover how to define critical body properties and relate objective measures to subjective driver feeling or perception.

Reducing household appliance noise improves your day to day life

written by M. Umar Rasheed How can a reduced household appliance noise improve your day-to-day life? Well, wouldn’t it be…

Design safe and reliable landing gear ready for future aircraft configurations

When you sip from your cappuccino and look out on the tarmac from your favorite airport café it’s hard to imagine that those aircraft slowly taxiing, and gliding do that with a highly optimized piece…

10 weeks and counting…

There are now over 160 speakers committed to present their engineering innovations at the Simcenter Conference this December.   
A…is for Airbus, discussing their air condition…