Garden your system simulation landscape

Orchestrate your system simulation landscape to flourish like never before

System simulations brought many good things over the past decades: they helped to increase the performance of multi-physic systems much…


Drag Reducing Agents: finding the best balance between extra costs and more profits

Introduction Since energy efficiency and cost savings are at the top of everyone’s agenda, it’s no surprise that technologies that…

Fuel cell identification tool

How to easily identify the fuel cell stack model parameters from your experimental data

Introduction Now the adoption of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) is growing steadily, the alternative of energy storage in hydrogen is…

IFP Energies Nouvelles logo

Siemens and IFPEN extend long-lasting partnership to accelerate decarbonized mobility

In December 2022, Siemens Digital Industries Software and IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) have renewed the partnership contract, adding a new…

Santa in Green

NEEDED: Skilled Elf Engineers to create best-ever Christmas gifts

Santa Claus continuously reinvents himself to keep up with new challenges! Santa is concerned this year. He observed several critical…

Wright Brothers first flight

119 years ago Wilbur and Orville Wright made history

119 years ago this weekend, Wilbur and Orville Wright made history at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Located on a series…

In order to master space travel, can you afford NOT to be using MBSE?

MBSE in Simcenter 2210 – Your next breakthrough is closer than you think!

One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind Neil Armstrong Here’s a thought…. When Neil Armstrong stepped…

Visual of Roadfour's Seagle firefighting aircraft

Next-generation firefighting aircraft to be developed using Siemens Xcelerator portfolio

Roadfour’s Seagle, the next-generation purpose-built large-capacity amphibious firefighting aircraft, will be developed using Siemens Xcelerator.

Simcenter Amesim Driving cycle manager

How the IFP-Drive library helps you explore innovative powertrains

One could say that system simulation’s purpose is to get relatively accurate results quickly with little efforts and few input…