Vehicle Durability

Efficiently Optimize Vehicle Durability With Virtual Tests Using Internal Loads

Learn to efficiently optimize vehicle durability with virtual testing to create an efficient and reliable design. Includes SimRod Case Study.

Design space exploration for aircraft landing gear

Design space exploration for aircraft systems with Simcenter

Find out the new Siemens methodology for design space exploration applied to aircraft landing gear


MLMM: increase efficiency with Modal Analysis

Learn about Maximum Likelihood estimation of Modal Model (MLMM) and increase efficiency in modal analysis, removing the subjectivity of manual iteration.

Autonomous urban air mobility

Supporting the development of autonomous urban air mobility vehicles

Autonomous urban air mobility vehicles will revolutionize the urban mobility market. A digital twin is invaluable as part of an…

Top ten best innovations engineered with Simcenter

“The road to heaven is paved with good innovations” – Unknown Innovation is technology’s most important word today. Innovation is…


Towards safe and autonomous drones with COMP4DRONES

The contribution of Simcenter Amesim to the European research project COMP4DRONES on autonomous drones safety and reliability.

Main thermal nodes of the machine model

Thermal simulation of electric machines

Facilitating innovation in thermal integration of electric machines Efficiency regulations for electrical machines are placing greater demands on electrical machine…

EV powertrain

With new EV cars, will powertrain NVH testing no longer exist?

What is the future of powertrain NVH testing if (hybrid-) electric cars are so quiet? Find out the answer here and join the free on-demand webinar about it.


Chengdu: VEM lab to boost vehicle performance

Find out how the Chengdu VEM lab at the Engineering Center couples advanced testing solutions with in-depth physics simulation to take fuel efficiency to the next level.