Hannover Messe 2019 Sneak Peak #1

Hannover Messe starts April 1 and Sweden is the partner country this year. For the diligent readers amongst you, you probably noticed in my last blog that we just got back from Lerum, Swede…

Virtual Material Characterization: enabling efficient materials engineering for composites

Currently, lightweight materials are increasing their penetration into several transportation industries. For example, in aircraft design, the strict norms on fuel efficiency and emission can only be…

Quick guide: Predicting pass-by noise earlier in the vehicle development cycle

Noise pollution is an emerging issue and is becoming a hot topic around the world. More and more countries strive to improve the living environment and decreasing sound levels is one of the …

The 2019 Reality Check: Autonomous Driving

We are just back from Lerum, Sweden and, no, we didn’t see any moose. (You’ll hear more about the Swedish trip later.) But seriously, you are probably wondering why the moose? Well actually, a moose …

Brabant’s DMS Holland Magnus Master

If there’s anything that can disrupt a relaxing trip on the water, it’s an unstable boat. Whether you’re fishing, scuba diving, or just out on the water, ship stability is an essential part…

Simcenter in the AGCO Picture

With its global footprint, AGCO has pursued a design-anywhere, build-anywhere strategy in tandem with a platform product architecture. Founded in 1990, AGCO has grown dramatically through a series of…

The Digitalization of Industrial Machinery

Providing realistic virtual simulation 
Throughout the computer-aided engineering (CAE) design process, engineers must balance a variety of critical performance aspects to validate wh…

“And the Best Technical Paper award goes to … ”

Two weeks ago, at the Symposium on International Automotive Technology (SIAT) in Pune, India, Simcenter won awards for Best Technical Paper. Not one award, but two!
The SIAT conference i…

Celebrating Engineer INNOVATION


“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower” – Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple Corporation
From Archimedes to Galileo, Newton and Navier, history i…