
The future is bright: Celebrating Samtech integration in the Simcenter portfolio

Over the years, I have had the privilege to live from the inside the integration of the technologies, products, and know-how of Samtech (down in Liège, Belgium) into the Simcenter portfolio.

As many of you know, the Simcenter portfolio is full of dedicated performance engineering tools. But what quite a few people don’t think about when they are using Simcenter software is the dedicated experts and decades of expertise that is behind every single solution.

Simcenter is really about the people behind the product and this is especially true in the case of Samtech, which, as of this week, is now completely integrated into the Siemens organization.


I asked some of my colleagues who are the real experts behind the leading Samcef technology in structural dynamics, rotor dynamics, additive manufacturing and optimization to share about past success stories, but also to explain us why the future is looking so bright for the team down in Liège.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring short interviews with some of the people and experts behind the Samcef technology in Simcenter and the Siemens PLM Software portfolios.

We’ll ask them not only about their area of expertise, but also how their careers have changed as part of Siemens. And, of course, we will be sure to share why the future is looking bright down in Liège.

More information about Samtech success story (French):

Benoit Colson
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at