
These machinery companies opted for the same engineering solution – Guess who?

Can you guess who made these statements?

“Due to rising energy prices, low energy consumption is essential to managing operational expenses. Our products must deliver the highest fabric quality at the lower total cost ownership for the weaver. We focused our effort on energy efficiency to gain a substantial competitive advantage

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 “The main concern is to ensure the performance of our filling process without any pressure disturbance; when the machine pressure remains stable, the filling is good”2018-09-13 08_18_46-Simcenter Amesim  Optimizing industrial machinery functional performance_blogpos.png

Yeah! You found who they are. The first quote comes from Picanol, which develops high-tech weaving machines, while the second statement is from Ronchi Mario, an Italian industrial bottle filling machinery maker. At first sight, weaving and bottle filling are completely different application domains …

But think again! What could they have in common?

They are both part of the industrial machinery industry, meaning they develop machines, and they share the same engineering problems. For example, all machine manufacturers must optimally balance critical machine performance attributes, such as: they need to engineer their machines so that

  • Productivity: maximizing output while reducing the cost of production

  • Accuracy: limiting the reject rate

  • Reliability: maximizing in-service time

  • Efficiency: reducing the cost of energy and complying with local environmental regulations

Since these companies produce machines used for unique applications, meaning in limited quantities or as engineered-to-order, they do not have the luxury of time or cost to test machine performance on physical prototypes during development to fine tune machines design and obtain the right balance. The earlier they can pre-size machine components and parameters as well as analyze the behavior of the machine, the best it is in terms of an earlier delivery time and greater profitability.

And as thing come in threes: guess how do Picanol and Ronchi Marion solve their engineering issues?

The only way to assess at early stage the machine architecture performance and obtain the right balance between performance attributes is to use system simulation. Picanol and Ronchi Mario did it. This decision helped them to beat their competition and bring cutting-edge technology to the market. “We are truly pioneering the use of simulation to streamline the machine design process and it can make a significant difference competitively,” says Gabriele Pastrello from RONCHI MARIO. While Kristof Roelstraete claims that “System simulation helps us design the most energy-efficient weaving looms on the market.”

You still have 3-minutes left. Are you curious to know how we help our customers perform system simulation? Come over here and watch the movie: Simcenter Amesim for Industrial Machinery

Simcenter Amesim – Optimizing industrial machinery functional performance

If you are eager to learn more about Picanol and Ronchi Mario, please read their success stories here:

Ronchi Mario – A major Italy-based industrial machinery manufacturer chose Simcenter Amesim to boost its performance

Picanol – Manufacturer uses Simcenter Amesim to develop the “most energy-efficient weaving looms on the market”

Adele Dolique
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at