
Webinars of the month – April 2016


Focus on your engineering skills by using system simulation

On-demand webinar

Model, simulate and analyze multi-domain systems is becoming a valuable asset to gain time. Thank to that, you can make the right choices earlier in the design process and provide higher quality results in a shorter time. Join us for this free event that will help you to learn how our integrated system simulation platform LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim will help you to accurately predict the multidisciplinary performance of your intelligent systems. 

Pict_1 (3).png In this webinar you will learn:

  • What is LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim?

  • How to create multi-domain models?

  • How to adapt the level of detail of your models according to your needs?

  • How to rapidly evaluate new design concepts early in the design cycle?

  • How to use plant models to help designing hardware and controls?

Watch the on-demand webinar

Live webinars 

Tips and tricks for accurate FRF measurements

April 6, 11am EST

MIMO_FRF_Feature1_tcm1023-219286.pngIn this webinar you will learn :

  • Which tips and tricks you can use for FRF measurements?

  • How to get accurate data?

  • How to quickly validate the data before performing your analysis?

  • How to win time?

Register to the webinar

Making medical devices more reliable and competitive with system simulation
April 7, 11am EST

personalized-product-innovation_tcm68-224163.pngIn this webinar you will learn:

  • How to virtually predict the performance of components and systems?

  • How to early identify possible failures and robustness issues?

  • How to drastically reduce the number of physical prototypes needed to get to the right design?

  • How to implement an efficient simulation methodology fitting with your engineering processes?

Register to the webinar

Predicting NVH and drivability for conventional, electric and hybrid powertrains
April 13, 11am EST

Faster-Modeling-Noise-Vibration-Analysis_tcm68-195126.pngIn this webinar you will learn:

  • How can I use LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim for representing NVH attributes of a vehicle?

  • What are varied levels of fidelity in representing various components in the drivetrain for NVH attributes?

  • How do I use the APP tool to post-process the drivability rating for various maneuvers?

Register to the webinar

Simulating full vehicle exterior acoustics
April 27, 11am EST

8182244578_cfa993b66d_o.pngIn this webinar you will learn:

  • How to approach simulating pass by noise, door slam noise, engine noise to the environment, emitted sound for pedestrian safety in?

  • Which are the technical challenges and state of the art solvers for simulating full vehicle exterior acoustics?

 Register to the webinar

Jessica Fertier
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at