
Webinars of the month – January/February


Introduction to durability

On-demand webinar 

Fatigue is a typical phenomenon encountered during day-to-day usage of a product. This can however be avoided by designing a component against fatigue. This introductory seminar will explain the basic principles of fatigue versus strength, discuss on different failure modes and the influence of external factors – e.g. mean stress- on the fatigue properties of a component. On top, we will briefly discuss 2 main approaches to derive the fatigue life of a component.

shutterstock_151380014.jpgJoin this webinar and learn

  • What is fatigue?

  • How to interpret typical fatigue-related curves.

  • Common approaches for fatigue estimation.

 Watch the on-demand webinar

Live webinars

Accelerating your smart systems design cycle using mechatronic system simulation

January 21, 3pm EST

ControlsEngineering.pngIn this webinar you will learn:

  • What is mechatronic system simulation?

  • What are the different mechanisms of system simulation – block diagrams, C code, COTS tools?

  • How to develop models fast and accurately?

  • How can system modeling help in the design of hardware and controls?

Register to the webinar

Acoustic modeling with statistical energy analysis 

January 26, 11am EST

6.jpgIn this webinar you will learn:

  • What is statistical energy analysis (SEA)?

  • How does SEA compare with other acoustics analysis approaches?

  • How do I predict interior acoustic performance using SEA?

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Analyzing the cause of mechanical noise using angle domain technology

January 27, 11am EST

8182086243_0231f65b71_b.jpgIn this webinar you will learn:

  • What cause the physical phenomena of vibration and noise?

  • What is angle domain analysis?

  • How do I efficiently execute crank angle analysis?

  • How can angle domain analysis help you to pin-point root-causes of engine noise and vibration issues?


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Introduction to LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim for 1D behavior modeling 

January 28, 2pm EST

Cover 1D Aero hr.jpgIn this webinar you will learn:

  • What is LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim?

  • How to create truly multi-domain models using off-the-shelves component libraries?

  • How to adapt the level of detail of your models?

  • How to rapidly evaluate new design concepts early in the design cycle?

  • How to use plant models to help in the design of hardware and controls?

Register to the webinar

Aero-acoustics for the aviation industry

February 3, 11am EST

Aircraft1.jpgIn this webinar you will learn:

  • Is there a possibility to simulate full aircraft cabin noise problems?

  • How do I model airframe components in view of improving acoustic performances?

  • How do I model efficiently large flow induced noise problem?

  • What are the recent trends in cabin acoustics simulation?

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Operational modal analysis case studies

February 10, 11am EST

8182169077_52d16a2092_b.jpgIn this webinar you will learn:

  • What are the fundamentals of the operational analysis method?

  • How can I use efficiency this method?

  • What are the other analysis methods?

Register to the webinar

Balance productivity and energy-efficiency of industrial machinery

February 11, 11am EST

9.jpgIn this webinar you will learn:

  • How to balance machines’ performance and energy-consumption by predicting the multidisciplinary behavior of intelligent systems?

  • How to reduce fluid-borne and structure-borne noise? 

  • What is the impact of model hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical actuation systems on mechanical structures?

  • How to develop controls earlier? 

 Register to the webinar

Optimizing HVAC systems design using MBSE

February 17, 11am EST

NOELS_00000362-017.jpgIn this webinar you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of mechatronic system simulation to support the design of HVAC systems and refrigerant loops?

  • What is the impact on passenger comfort and fuel consumption when integrating into a global vehicle model?


 Register to the webinar

Jessica Fertier
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at