
What’s new in Simcenter Flotherm 2404 and Simcenter Flotherm XT 2404

I am pleased announce the Simcenter Flotherm 2404 and Simcenter Flotherm XT 2404 electronics cooling simulation software releases. Please read below for an overview of release highlights.

Simcenter Flotherm 2404

Model the complexity

Introducing Material Map SmartPart in Simcenter Flotherm

A material map is a computationally efficient and accurate method to represent material variations in printed circuit boards (PCBs) copper and layers, and for modeling complex IC package substrates and metalized dies.

A material map file represents material properties as regions with sub-defined tiles that have set thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity and density values to fully represent material property variations.  The Material Map SmartPart in Simcenter Flotherm 2404 electronics cooling software leverages imported Material Map files to enable faster, accurate modeling of modern IC packages and PCBs when compared to typical modeling approaches that consist of thousands of geometric objects. Learn more about Material Map SmartPart in this detailed additional blog ” Leveraging a Material Map for IC package and PCB thermal analysis

A study using Material Map SmartPart in Simcenter Flotherm 2404. A Die level study  providing a speed up of >1000 times faster. for analysis processing steps
A die level study where 19 milllion cuboid objects were replaced with one Material Map SmartPart, providing a speed up of >1000 times faster for model processing operation

Using the Material Map SmartPart for PCB and IC package thermal design workflows

Watch this video to look at how you can use the new Material Map SmartPart for a PCB thermal analysis workflow.

IC package thermal modeling workflows are now enabled by faster modeling incorporating Material Map SmartPart modeling approach. This can then be combined with subsequent generation of secure, shareable Embeddable BCI-ROM models for use across the electronics supply chain for 3D electronics cooling simulation of IC packages at system level in products.

You can watch a video on the IC package design flow shown above in this additional technical blog article and explore faster thermal analysis performance. Example studies have indicated a speed ups of > 1000 times faster for load and translation times compared to typical modeling which positively impacts overall thermal analysis process time.

Simcenter Flotherm XT 2404

Model the complexity

Quickly and easily model PCB thermal vias

New PCB thermal via modeling capabilities have been added to the Simcenter Flotherm XT EDA Bridge so you can more easily explore thermal management options:

  • Quickly add thermal vias under a component
  • Thermal vias are created as a cuboid representation of an array with orthotropic material properties when transferred to Simcenter Flotherm XT

How to add a thermal via representation under a component in EDA Bridge

How to edit PCB thermal via properties

How do thermal vias appear in Simcenter Flotherm XT

Once transferred to Simcenter Flotherm XT environment, the Thermal Via assembly is created within component assembly. It is named TV-”Component Designator”. Geometry is created for each dielectric layer and the material effective biaxial conductivity is calculated from via region properties

Download software releases now

For existing users – please visit these support center links now:

Simcenter Flotherm 2404 download
Simcenter Flotherm XT 2404 download

Other online resources

Recent on-demand webinar topics featuring Simcenter Flotherm :
Automating PCB thermal analysis and electronics cooling simulation to shorten development
Apply 3D reduced order IC package thermal simulation models for electronics cooling design
(features new Embeddable BCI-ROM technology )

Byron Blackmore


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at