With Semi-Therm 31 just a week away I thought it would be a good time to expand on the (metaphorical)…
29th August, 2012. A Jaguar XJ parked in Fenchurch Street, London, suffered melted panels between 1200 and 1400, owner Martin…
Semi-Therm, the world’s largest dedicated electronics thermal conference, will take place between March 15-19 at the Doubletree Hotel in San…
It’s National Engineer’s Week in the US this week. A similar event takes place in the UK in March. I’ve…
A full 3D thermal simulation of an electronic system requires, not surprisingly, a 3D geometric representation of the proposed design….
Energy isn’t the only thing that is wasted when dealing with hot water supply. Time is as well. The house…
Horror vacui, Natura abhorret vacuum, Resintenza del vacuo; from Aristotle to Galileo, it has long been known that here on…
Sure, most modern homes have much more advanced water heating systems than a big tank with an electric heater element….
Human technical prowess relies heavily on the conversion of energy from one form to another, to meet our needs. Physiological…