
Siemens Workshop for Future Engineers at UTD

Last Tuesday, Mainstream Engineering sponsored an event at the University of Texas Dallas. Both Ali Nadimi and Muhammad Sajjad, who are currently in the engineering graduate program at UTD, helped set the event up and were happy to share their excitement of Solid Edge during the Siemens Workshop for Future Engineers.


The workshop had several sessions and after the welcoming kickoff from Prashant Kulkarni of Plano, we were also fortunate to have Vu Hoang, Manager, Engineering Applications and PLM Lennox International and Danielle Williams, Applications Engineer at Oasis Sales Electrical System Design and Harness Engineering as two of the presenters. Vu presented how Lennox uses Solid Edge and Siemens technology in fast and efficient product design, and did a good job of connecting with the students Danielle’s session, Beyond Mechanical Design: PCB, electrical wiring and harness showed more about game changing capabilities of Solid Edge in electrical wiring and PCB design.

Wannie Wang stepped in to share information on the Siemens Internship Program, and then lastly a Siemens UTD Design Challenge was launched – open to all students. Students will have the opportunity to work on a real work engineering design challenge by using their engineering and design knowledge to design a futuristic concept for mobility on a campus. Prizes will be awarded to the three top designs, based on the most unique and creative ideas.

After the morning sessions, we broke for lunch and networking – although a free lunch is always popular with students Smiley LOL, there was a fair number of people who stayed in the auditorium to discuss a variety of topics and asked a lot of questions of the presenters. The opportunity to take the Solid Edge Certification Exam was extended to all who attended the workshop, and each attendee was provided a special promo code to take the exam for free.

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Mainstream Engineering would like to thank the volunteers who helped set up the workshop, who presented the materials, and/or networked with the students and professors in attendance. It was a successful event and one we would like to replicate at other schools in the future!

This post comes from Stephanie Taylor @STaylor0507 of the Mainstream team. Smiley Happy


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