
Solid Edge University 2015 Announcement

Solid Edge University dates have been set for October 26-28, and the location is set as Cincinnati, Ohio.

If you have not been to one of these events in the past, make sure to plan to make it to Cincinnati next fall. Check out the Solid Edge Knowledge Base for more of the information about some of the presentations made by users, Solid Edge employees, and partners. We’ve put up a lot of blog posts about the event and some of the advantages of going. Search the blog for SEU14

The date has been shifted from summer to fall, which will change how we talk about the latest release of the software rather than an impending release of the software. To me, this will give the conference more concrete value – information you can use now rather than later.

Today’s announcement, which I got from John Fox on Twitter, only talks about the dates and locations.


More details will come in following months about content of the conference, specific locations, and speakers.

One thing you can start doing now is preparing material for your SEU presentation. Speaking at SEU can get you in for free, although you’ll still have to cover your own travel, that’s a fair chunk of change. A call for presentations will be issued a few months before the event. It will be announced here on this blog as well as other places. You’ve been warned enough in advance that you can surely put something together in the next 11 months.

Matthew Lombard


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