Conversions and Transformations using the Solid Edge API – Part 2

Continuing from the previous part that discussed the UnitsOfMeasure object, this part explains the conversion of sheet coordinates to view coordinates.

This series of article…

Unlock the secrets to design productivity

Want to learn how you can increase Solid Edge design productivity by 25 percent?

Check out our latest webinar, Unlock the Secrets to Solid Edge PDM, to see how you can save valuable engine…

Conversions and Transformations using the Solid Edge API – Part 1


Conversions from different reference systems and translations of spatial data is a common requirement in design automation using Solid Edge.

This series of…

Notes from the field: Solid Edge Pune User Meet May 2019

Welcome to Solid Edge User Meet Blog! Having wrapped up yet another successful Solid Edge User Meet, this time with 13 active Solid Edge users from 7 different companies gathered under one r…

How to grow and scale a startup for long-term success

Getting a startup off the ground is no easy endeavor. It’s more than just a big idea — you need to market your business, put together a high-caliber team, and find a decent work-life balance…

101 Uses of the Control and Shift Keys in Solid Edge – Part 2

…from Part 1

Using the Shift and Control keys with the Steering Wheel

If there is one feature in Solid Edge that has harnessed the power of the Shift and Con…

101 Uses of the Control and Shift Keys in Solid Edge – Part 1


When using the Shift and Control keys we tend to be creatures of habit. Often, there are a bunch of objects to be selected and we unknowingly press one of these keys. It could be …

Startup Spotlight: 2Pi Design

Solid Edge helps many people and companies design and build amazing things. But some of the most interesting, innovative stuff comes from our community of startup users.

Today, I …

Blurring the lines between electrical and mechanical design

In modern products, electrical systems design is an absolutely critical part of product development. That means more traditional mechanical components and smart, innovative electrical compo…