
My Schedule at SEU14

CAD Conferences can be crazy. You’re seeing people you either never see or only see once a year. You feel obligated – and sincerely want to talk to everyone who you see in the hall. But on the other side of things are the scheduled breakouts. Some of these are sessions you’ve been planning to see for months. And on top of that, I’ve got to make some presentations as well, which obviously I have to be there for.

That’s why every year I make a little spreadsheet of the sessions I want to attend and maybe an alternate in case my first choice is changed, cancelled or just isnt’t what I thought it would be.

I don’t expect you to be interested in the same things that i’m interested in, but this is my list of sessions that I want to attend. There are several things I wouldn’t miss:

Design Better Challenge (aka Downunder Blunder)

This is a little contest given by Rick Mason which should be fun and competitive. Prizes and unique(!) trophies will be awarded for top 3.

Art Patrick

You can’t go wrong attending anything by Art Patrick. He usually presents on assemblies, and is extremely knowlegeable, funny, and can communicate what he knows. He also has a good sense for what real users have to do in the real world.

SE Certification

This will be held in two two-hour sessions. Yes, it chomps up a large portion of your time, but I think this is valuable and important.


If you spend a lot of time in the software and have ideas on how it could improve, you really need to be at one or more of the roundtables. Users basically sit around and complain to developers.

Switching to Synchronous

This seems like one of the most important sessions at the whole meeting. If you work with geometry that lends itself to Synchronous, and you are not yet using it maybe for political reasons, or maybe people don’t really understand Sync, then you need to attend this session. Unfortunately, there are a ton of other equally valuable things going on at the same time.

The table below shows my first choice and first alternate choice. In some cases I have 4 alternates. There is really going to be a lot worth seeing at this year’s Solid Edge University.

1:15 – 2:15 ST7 Enhanced Fundamentals- Jeff Walker Why SE SP – M. Rothe
2:15 – 3:15 ST7 3D Sketching – R. Kulkarni Hybrid Modeling – C. Ruchti
3:30 – 4:30 Synchronous for the Doubter – M Lombard SE Certification – K Riggs
4:30 – 5:30 Design Better Challenge – R Mason Motion in Assemblies – M Johnson
9:00 – 10:00 Live Rules – C Dayton Visualization – D Stainbrook
10:00 – 11:00 Creating Blended Surfaces – M Lombard Keyshot – J. Linnert
11:15 – 12:00 Synchronous for the Doubter – M Lombard Assemblies – Art Patrick
12:00 – 1:00 Migrating from Works or Pro – M Lombard Hybrid Modeling – C Ruchti
2:00 – 3:00 Importing – C Dayton Conceptual Mechanisms – D Stainbrook
3:00 – 4:00 Simulation and Sensors – R Conerly Automate – C Ruchti

If you want to check out the complete schedule or sign up for Solid Edge University 2014, follow these links.

Matthew Lombard


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