Notes from the field: Solid Edge Pune User Meet December 2018

We had another great session of the Solid Edge User Meet held in Pune last month on December 3. Read about our previous user meet and the insights gained during that session.
We were joined by eight attendees from various engineering organizations like Aesseal India, Kalson Engineering Solutions, Aashai Technologies & Vaal Triangle Systems Pvt. Ltd. I would encourage all the readers and Solid Edge users to please attend future meetups, which will help the user community to gain knowledge of Solid Edge and understand its capabilities.
Users meet in Pune
Today we are sharing some of the key points that were raised during this great session.
There was a question raised of can we revolve/protrude a particular region from an intersecting sketch? To which Mr. Pranit Rahate showed an example on how to achieve this. This will shorten your feature tree where you can draw a single sketch and then add features like revolve / revolve-cut, etc. by selecting the sketches.
There was a suggestion / enhancement given by Mr. Muktesh Bawiskar on creating a Radius set command, which means if there are number of various radii on a body you can still give it in one single command by just adding sets of radii with dimensions into it. This way the feature tree will show only one radius command.
There was another suggestion given by Mr. Muktesh with regards to parametric modelling: at the time of parametric modelling use IF-THEN-ELSE statements to give conditions the product. While building a long formula there are fair chances that there are typo errors in it and the formula fails. So can we just add a Formula builder command which will help us build the formula without error?
Mr. Pramod Kalyani raised two concerns on a Pattern issue and Face merge issue. For the Face merge issue: Siemens internal team provided a solution. The faces created by two cuts will not merge because the way the two cuts are created is different. Cut1 is a revolved cut whereas Cut2 is an extruded cut. If the faces are to be merged then the Cut2 also should be made a revolved cut OR replace the face created by Cut2 with face created by Cut1, but by doing so you will not get the same faces as created by original cuts. For the Pattern issue & Curve enhancement requirement: An IR will be filed by Pramod.
This event series is a very nice initiative where we all can come together and see how users are harnessing the software capabilities. In such forums, you realize that other users have found solution for the design challenges that you are facing, or vice versa.
Mr. Pramod Kalyani was the coordinator this time. He explained the importance of the User Meet session and encouraged all the users to attend the session regularly. All the users also thought about preparing a meeting agenda in advance so that the event can be more fruitful. Our meet up concluded at 5 pm with fantastic snacks and a good networking session at the canteen.
There is a WhatsApp group created by users where you can get regular updates on this meet and also can discuss problems on the group. To join this group please reach out to us on the community and we will connect you with Mr. Promod Kalyani who can add you.
Our next meet in Pune, India will take place Tuesday, March 5, 2019. We hope to see you there!