
Notes from the field: Wonderful Solid Edge User Meet in Pune, India

I recently had the opportunity to attend a Solid Edge User Meet, an event organised by the Solid Edge User Community located in and around Pune, India. I first became aware of these events during the Developer’s Workshop that I attended at the start of this year. Solid Edge User Meet at Pune is an excellent platform to learn and share knowledge of Solid Edge between the users such as use cases, workflows, automation and product usage. The meeting is for a couple of hours and generally scheduled with once in every two months. It initially started as a Solid Edge automation users meet and then gradually expanded to all users of Solid Edge.

With the increasing pressure on product development teams to deliver products on time to the market, it is very necessary that we improve our understanding of Solid Edge and really utilize the potential of Solid Edge in the product development cycle. This meet up helps to create a strong network of Solid Edge users and share knowledge.

The recent meet happened on September 28, 2017 from 3 PM to 5 PM at Pune, India. Fifteen Solid Edge users from five companies attended the meet. The participating companies were Aashai Technologies, Kam-Avida, Kalson Engineering Solutions, AESSEAL and PARI.


Highlights of the meet:

  • Manish Pawar from Kam-Avida presented 

    • Goal Seek command usage for belt and pulley design.

    • Replace Face command and Inter Part Copy usage for forged and fabricated parts

    • Adjustable assembly usage for spring modelling in assembly.

  • Sopan Patil from AESSEAL sought help to synchronize the properties in Teamcenter with the drawings. He would post the query on the community to seek inputs from the experts.

  • Vishvajit Dabak from PARI shared a success story about implementing CAD automation for their Tower Car Parking, with which they could reduce time to design and model part from four weeks to couple of days.

  • Ashish Kelkar from Aashai Technologies shared his upcoming launch of a product on robotics (welding robot) arm kinematic simulation that was developed using Solid Edge automation.

  • For the next meet, the users agreed to come prepared to share their success stories and areas where they need help.

The meet up concluded with delicious snacks and a good networking session between the users.


We are thankful to Mr. Ganpat Dhanavade, General Manager of Engineering and Operations at the Kam-Avida company who took the lead in organizing this meet.

In summary, it was a fantastic meet! We all are enthused to meet again and have finalized Wednesday, Nov 29 2017 as the date for the next meet. If you’d like to attend the next Solid Edge user meet at Pune, India, please send a mail to Mr. Ganpat Dhanavade at

I look forward to seeing you all again. Happy Solid Edging until then.

Mr. Pramod Kalyani

Director & Principal Consultant

Kalson Engineering Solutions

Pramod Kalyani

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