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Solid Edge Data Management Takes a Rapid Start

What’s the demand for Solid Edge data management? I just returned from Solid Edge University (#SEU16), and it was great to meet with Solid Edge customers and learn how you’re managing your designs an…

SEU16: Day 3

SEU has a lot of exciting moments, but none quite as anticipated as the awards and Sneak Peek of the Wrap Up Session.

We announced the winners of the rendering contest last…

SEU16: Day 2

SEU day 2 was full of news.John Miller reminded us of why we do what we do. We make better software so you can get your job done faster. Simple enough.

Early on, Dan and his demo te…

Expanding horizons for automotive technology at SEU16

Excellence and innovation in automotive technology was on display in the keynote presentations at SEU16 in Indianapolis today. From a young engineer who earned a placement at the Red Bull Formula 1 t…

FloEFD for Solid Edge introduced at SEU16

A new computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution for Solid Edge was announced today at SEU16. FloEFD for Solid Edge from Mentor Graphics is embedded within Solid Edge and provides comprehensive but …

Kenesto exhibiting cloud-based document management at SEU16

Kenesto are demonstrating the latest version of their cloud-based document management software at SEU16 and will be showing how design departments can use their “Kenesto Drive” solution…

SEU16: Day 1

My take on SEU16 is going to be a little bit skewed. I wish I were sitting in technical sessions on programming or data management or analysis/simulation, but instead I was manning the booth chatting…

Solid Edge University 2016 Begins!

Solid Edge University 2016 is starting! You know it’s SEU when Jana Puetz is behind the desk. And yes, we are right across the street from Indianapolis Victory Stadium! Bet you wish you were here now…

Standard Parts- Installation of Standard Parts Administrator.

Fasteners are an integral part of an assembly; they are used to affix two or more parts together. The following information will help novice users to understand the installation and administration of…