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Stuff to do at SEU: Kevin Riggs with Help and Training

New users and recent converts need to be at SEU more than anyone else. Even if you are interested in evaluating Solid Edge as an alternative to whatever you’re using now, it’s a great investment, and…

From flat documents to interactive 3D technical catalogs in one year

A rotatable magnetron assembly manufactured by Soleras
One year ago, Soleras Advanced Coatings implemented Quadrispace 3D communication software for technical document creation, doing away w…

Experience the latest in mouse technology at SEU16 – and how to win a SpaceMouse Enterprise!

Using 2 hands – and 2 mice can speed your design work!
Imagine going through your day with one hand tied behind your back.  Think of all the things you do on a daily basis for which you use …

Interactive technical documents made easy

Long after designers release a product design for manufacturing, the 3D CAD models that define the product are used as references by many downstream operations. For example manufacturing, suppliers, …

Stuff to do at SEU: ParTAYYY!

Alright, so if you tell your boss you’re going to a party in Indy, he’s not likely to give you the money to go. So don’t tell him that. But at SEU there are two parties that you don’t want to miss.

Move towards digital manufacturing – use your 3D CAD models to create excellent technical documents

Today, manufacturers are recognizing that their 3D digital models are key for publishing accurate downstream documentation for manufacturing, and for their suppliers, marketers, even consumer…

Stuff to do at SEU: Follow the Tracks

A lot of you have asked for this, and it really makes sense, so this year, the SEU breakout sessions have been organized in tracks. You can check out the agenda here. If you go to the drop-down list …

Stuff to do at SEU: Synchronous eBook and User Groups

I suppose I can’t do a whole series of what to do at SEU without mentioning my own stuff. I’ve got two sessions at SEU this year.

Wednesday 3 pm I will talk about the new eBook writ…

Stuff to do at SEU: Art Patrick on Assemblies

  We’re doing something a little bit new at Solid Edge University this year. Some of the most popular technical sessions will be held on the main stage. For example, Art Patrick’s session Wha…