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Stuff to do at SEU: Hands On Confidence Using Design Intent

Hands on sessions fill up early, so you really have to make a plan and stick to it if you want to get the most out of these sessions. You can hardly go wrong with most of them, since they are led…

Stuff to do at SEU: Simplifying Design with Multi-body Parts

One of the break out sessions this year will be Ricardo Espinosa’s “Simplifying the Design Process with Multi-Body Parts”. This is held on Wednesday at 2 pm.

Multi-body parts is an …

Stuff to do at SEU: Built-In Data Management

The first thing I want to hightlight at SEU as a don’t-miss event is the Workshop on Built-in Data Management for ST9. For those small shops out there that aren’t using any of the available document …

New eBook Explains Synchronous


Some people wonder what I do with my time. I’m obviously not blogging 40 hours a week. I do get involved in some projects that aren’t always 100% related to community. I’m in a bit of…

Interview: Dan Swartz of Ventrac talks Synchronous and SEU

Dan, How did you get involved in Solid Edge in the first place?

I’ve got a bit of a different background from a lot of Solid Edge users. I never went to engineering school or anything like…

Detroit Area Solid Edge User Group September 20th in Livonia


We’ve been talking about this for a while now, and we finally have a date. We were lucky enough to find users to volunteer to run the Cincinnati and Cleveland groups before we even st…

ST9 Released

I got a notice from my boss, Laura Watson today that Solid Edge ST9 is officially being released. It will be available for download by customers early next week. Additional languages will be posted a…

Interview: GTAC Employee Wayne Mahan

Let me just start with this, because this has been bugging me. I’ve seen your last name in print a lot, but I don’t know how to say it. How do you pronounce your last name?

It’s MAY-han. M…

How to be a Rock Star at SEU16

Engineers are shy people. I get that. I’m a shy person, aside from the fact that my day job entails being a public voice for a product, I take a back seat when I can, I avoid crowds, I don’t really s…