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Closing Documents

Closing Documents

Prior to Solid Edge ST8 being released, one of the developers emailed me to give me a heads up on a new API to handle closing documents. The problem has always been that in order to close a document,…

ST8: Bluesurf

I’ve been working on little projects lately, and this week I was doing something with some Bluesurfs in it. This reminded me that ST8 has given Bluesurf a new function. The Deselect All button enable…

Explore best practices in design management at SEU15

The Design Management Workshop discusses best practices for completing the tasks that designers and design managers perform everyday, and how to configure and deploy Solid Edge SP…

Stuff to do at SEU: Art Patrick on Assemblies

Anyone who knows Art Patrick knows that he knows his stuff, and often demonstrates that in an over-the-top sort of way. You have to keep inventing new superlatives for what he’s able to do with some …

Solid Edge Tips and Tricks #11

How do I hide dimensions in draft environment? To hide dimensions in draft follow these steps: – First create new layer – Select all the dimensions you wish to hide. – Once selected go to the …

Example of Mixing Synchronous and Ordered

I came across a cool technique this week while talking with Art Patrick about a part I was trying to make for a sample model. It has 3 mount points, and a bar frame connecting the mounts. In the end,…

ST8: Weldments

ST8 enables you to create weldment features in an In-Place part. To do this:

open assembly
create In-Place part (Sync or Ordered)
In the part environment, the weld features are under the Soli…

ST8: Sketching Enhancements

Sometimes it is the simplest things that will wind up saving you the most time because you spend more time doing them. If you can shave off just a couple of seconds from repetitive tasks, that one im…

ST8: Assembly Productivity Enhancements

For ST8, Solid Edge has added a few nice assembly productivity enhancements.

The first one sounds simple, but once you use it a few times, I think you’ll agree that it saves a lot of t…