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Engineers and Creativity

I had the misfortune a few years back to hear a colleague proclaim at a dinner with about 15 design process professionals in attendance that engineers were not creative people. I can be hot tempered …

Solid Edge ST7 AddIn in C++

  In continuation of my Solid Edge ST7 AddIn Architecture Overview article, I just published a new article, Solid Edge ST7 AddIn in C++. This article is programming language spec…

Interview with Hungarian Reseller, Imre Szucs

Imre Szucs is known by many names around the Solid Edge universe, but everyone knows him as an inexhaustable fountain of ideas and knowledge. I’ve met him at a couple of Solid Edge Universities, and …

Simulation, Analysis and Decisions

While we’re on the topic of abstraction from my previous post, let’s carry it further to simulation. About 15 years ago or so if I’m remembering correctly, we had a movement called the “Up Front” mov…

We Owe It All to Cave Art

Today I want to pay homage to two geniuses of the CAD world that no one has ever met before. In fact, we don’t even know who they are. I call them Um and Ug. Um and Ug were hunters who lived before t…

Solid Edge User Survey 2014

By most measures ST7 has been a great success. They’ve added great new functions, and most of all, it’s all relevant to users. It’s not just magic that enables Solid Edge to consistently pick winners…

Interview with Super User Ken Grundey

Ken Grundey is one of those guys that I’ve known for a long time just over general web communication, even though for a long time we used different CAD products. Now that we’re on the “same side”, as…

Solid Edge Demonstrates AWS Proof of Concept

Solid Edge Demonstrates AWS Proof of Concept

Solid Edge made a guest appearance at the Amazon AWS re:Invent convention in Las Vegas earlier today.  Amazon invited Solid Edge to demonstrate a proof of concept by demoing Solid Edge on their …

New Solid Edge Videos Getting Some Attention

In the last week or so, Solid Edge has put out a couple of videos that are getting some attention around the industry. Through the grapevine I heard that one reseller said this first video is the bes…