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ST7 Sneak Peak: Fixed Length Curve

ST7 Sneak Peak: Fixed Length Curve

In the last week or so I’ve finally had a look at ST7, and I gotta tell you, I don’t know about anyone else, but I am excited about this release. A lot of these additions look familiar to me.

New Solid Edge University Video Released

New Solid Edge University Video Released

The Solid Edge University machine is kicking into high gear. Lots of information now coming out about the event. You don’t want to miss this year, with the certification, the keynotes, and Rick Mason…

Solid Edge University Keynote Speaker Announced

The design of toys that go is an exciting field. Toys that are crazy fun even for adult(ish) size people are even better. There’s nobody who knows this business better than Ali Kermani, from Razor US…

Solid Edge Certification Event at Solid Edge University 2014

Solid Edge is reviving the user certification program, and you can be one of the first in the door. At Solid Edge University this year, a limited number of users will get the opportunity to take the …

Solid Edge Sensors: Orifice Plate, by Tushar Suradkar

[editor] This is an article submitted by Tushar Suradkar for publishing in the Solid Edge Community Blog.

Solid Edge Can Sense Solid Edge has a feature called Sensors – call it your …

Razor Scooter Winners Announced

The Razor Scooter contest is over and the results are in. As promised, 10 winners have been announced.

The 42 entries were judged on four categories: manufacturability, design thinking, cr…

FEMAP Symposium Keynote Speaker from NASA

FEMAP Symposium is the simulation equivalent of Solid Edge University, and it’s being held after SEU14, May 14-16, in the same conference center in Atlanta, the Peachtree Westin.

The k…

Tips for Creating Better Renderings

I’ve mentioned before that I thought that many Solid Edge models don’t exactly represent themselves as well as they might visually. The software is really aimed at mechanical design, so this is to be…

Samples for Solid Edge on CodePlex

  I’ve said it before but it’s worth mentioning again. One of the biggest challenges to learning the Solid Edge API is the sheer size of the API. The Solid Edge API is HUGE and takes a consider…