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SEU14: Fix the Downunder Blunder

Many of you may be unaware of the event at previous SEU meetings called the “Design Better Challenge”. The Design Better Challenge was a competition to see who could model a part and make a change to…

SEU14: $100 Early Bird Discount Ends Friday

Solid Edge University this year is earlier than it has been in previous years (May 12-14), so we may have thrown off your rhythm. You’ve got to do everything a few weeks earlier this year than you di…

A Stronger Solid Edge: What Would it Mean to You?

Sometimes I hear people wishing that the Solid Edge product had a stronger position in the market. Sometimes that’s just in conjunction with wishing for more business, and sometimes it’s used as an e…

Replay of the Direct Vs History Panel Discussion

Replay of the Direct Vs History Panel Discussion

If you’ve got about an hour, a useful way to spend it might be to review the webinar of the panel discussion that compared history-based and direct modeling software. Dan Staples represented the Soli…

How many tools does a CAD program need?

The definition of CAD is a moving target, but my definition is anything that is used to create geometry (2D or 3D) that can be used to manufacture an item, help you visualize, or annotate a drawing. …

How Do You Deal with Non-CAD Reference Data?

Some people get all the luck. They always know someone at the front of the line, or they are always in the right place at the right time, or maybe they live somewhere where it never snows, never get …

Design for 3D Printing

As I sit here today in my office, watching the snow falling, crippling much of the south-east US, I’m reminded in a very visual way about a topic that I’ve been wanting to write about for some time n…

Debate: Direct Modeling and History-Based Modeling

This is one of those things that you’ll really want to see. Dan Staples is going to join in a discussion about the relative merits of Direct and history-based 3D CAD systems. The other companies invo…

Solid Edge University: Getting Past the Bean Counters

What Solid Edge users would not want to take a trip to a conference covering the CAD software we all spend so much time with every day? There are dozens of classes on every imaginable topic, you can …