SEU14: $100 Early Bird Discount Ends Friday

Solid Edge University this year is earlier than it has been in previous years (May 12-14), so we may have thrown off your rhythm. You’ve got to do everything a few weeks earlier this year than you did last year. If you want to save $100 off the conference price, you’ve got to do that by February 28, this Friday.
They have most of the agenda filled out with the breakout sessions, All the rest of the information including other discounts, the hotel, and associated events are all included on the site as well.
I don’t want to hammer you with this too hard, but I do want to make sure that you all know that the first deadline is coming up this week.
And for those analysts out there, don’t forget FEMAP Symposium on May 15. Developer Day is May 12 and Design Management Workshop on May 15 are also being held in the same location. This is your one time of year to get together with people who have the same interests that you have and do a little networking. Even in this hyperconnected society, there’s nothing like some real face to face time with people.