
Simulation for Designers – webinar replay available

The 3rd in our series of webinars in the “Solid Edge Portfolio – Digital Transformation Series” is now available for replay. This 30 minute webinar discusses how designers can quickly analyze their designs using embedded Solid Edge Simulation capabilities.

bracket1.jpgStress distribution for this bracket component is calculated and displayed using Solid Edge SimulationA short introduction discusses how Siemens and more specifically the Solid Edge Portfolio are helping SMB manufacturers create digital twins of their products and move towards a digital enterprise. (You can skip forward to around 5 minutes if you want to skip this part and get straight to the simulation content).

Ilya Nazarenko then presents a couple of demonstrations of Solid Edge Simulation. (Solid Edge Simulation is included in Solid Edge Premium and available as an add-on module for Solid Edge Classic.) The first demonstration is a straightforward analysis of static forces on a single part, and the second is analysis of stress and displacement in an assembly. The second demonstration also covers the optimization capabilities of Solid Edge Simulation where the analysis is automatically run while changing certain parameters to meet a certain goal (in this case a maximum 1mm deflection of the main arm of the hoist). One of the key strengths of the solution that Ilya comments on is that designers can run their own analyses – you do not always need a specialist FEA analyst for this work.hoist summary.jpgHoist assembly stress analysis results, and optimization of the design to meet a specific goal on deflection of the main beam

I found these to be excellent, concise demonstrations of Solid Edge Simulation and recommend you watch this webinar if you want to find out more about these capabilities.You can register for the complete webinar series to access the replay of this webinar and the other webinars that we have captured so far (Large Assemblies and Teamcenter). You can also check out a new article on “Simulation and Optimization in Solid Edge” in the Knowledge Base.

Author Info:
ID: 61512

David Chadwick


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