
Wanna Be First to See Something New?

At my Solid Edge University breakout session at 8:00 AM on Wednesday morning, in room 236, you can be among the first Solid Edge customers to get a preview of a project I’ve been working on for a couple months. What is it? I can’t tell you that. All I can say is that if you’re interested in Synchronous Technology, you’ll want to be there.

So check out my session, mark it on your calendar, and be there. If 8:00 AM is too early for you, maybe you’ll want to camp out in the room overnight. Will there be enough seats for everyone? Will there be a line down the hall to get in the room? Honestly I doubt it, but you’ll only know if you’re there.

And by the way, since you’re here, here are some other Synchronous breakout sessions I want to recommend at this year’s SEU:


2:30 PM: Art Patrick: Turbocharged Assembly Design

3:20 PM: Richard Gebhard: Resilient Assembly Design

4:30 PM: Dan Vinson: Part/Sheet Metal Roundtable


8 AM: Matt Lombard: Synchronous for the History-based User

9 AM:  Craig Ruchti: Introduction to Hybrid Modeling

10 AM: Melissa Schultz: Selling Synchronous to Management and Ordered Users

11:15 AM: Chris Dayton: Design Intent and Solution Manager Dissected

12 AM: Chris Dayton: Importing Models: Smart Features on Dumb Parts

2 PM Art Patrick: Assembly and Routing Roundtable

Seriously, if you’re dabbling with Synchronous Technology and want to super charge your knowledge and enthusiasm, there is no place in the Galaxy more important than Cincinnati this year. If you still haven’t signed up, just do it. It’s an investment in your engineering process.

Matthew Lombard


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