
Gain competitive advantage with accurate and fast cost quotations

Are you still stuck with spreadsheets to create your business sales quotations and estimates? It is the right time to get accurate and fast cost quotations and close more sales and save precious time.

Especially in technology-driven industries, suppliers often have to provide quotes in almost one or to two weeks with almost binding prices for complex products over the entire life cycle. For those who do not know how to reconcile under time pressure on quality, cost and delivery service as well as on own business interests and bring them in line with the market, loose the connection in the competition or have to fight in the development process with increased change costs. With this background, a well-thought-through product cost management is essential to create savings and earnings potential and thus a competitive advantage.

Relevant topics in the quotation process such as profitability analysis, reporting (cost-breakdown) and open-book-negotiation reveal questions such as:

    • How can I receive visibility on the cost/benefit key performance indicators to be able to take decisions for or against the projects and solution concepts?
    • How can I gain an accurate overview on the current status of the calculation to have the possibility at an early stage to identify the areas of the calculation where opportunities and risks are?
    • Customers want to know exactly how sales prices are created. How can I provide a customer specific cost-breakdown?

Within the 30 minutes webinar you can gain insights on the cost quotation solution from Siemens PLM Software which provides you the ability to understand the development of costs at every stage to determine which internal and external changes are responsible for any cost differences. Teamcenter Product Cost Management compiles all cost-relevant data within the cost quotation calculation. This supports the cost quotation process to be faster and more reliable, which is critical success factor for any manufacturing company.

Emilia Maier

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