
Digital Disruption Challenges IT to Reach New Efficiency Levels

Digital disruption_2.jpgDigital disruption puts IT at the front end of the business.In the business of IT, you can be pretty modest about your achievements, when in fact administering and maintaining a PLM system is about as big as it gets. No, you’re not solving world peace … but you are on the front line facing the challenges of digital disruption, and your business does put a lot of trust in you. IT supports product design and development, which is the heart of your business. In this age of digital disruption, a product can go from front-runner to has-been in just a short time … how quickly your company adapts and responds can make all the difference.

The speed of change and digital disruption is faster than ever before. Look at the turnover in the Fortune 500. A study from the John M. Olin School of Business at Washington University predicts that 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies will vanish in 10 years. Digital disruption is turning companies with stable, reliable products into dinosaurs.

In the face of digital disruption, the difference between product winners and losers are its people. The engineers with the great ideas and innovations that turn into the next market leader. But people can only get so far on their own … and that’s where technology comes in. The technology to go faster, do more, work together, adapt to change … the technology supported by IT, who are fast becoming the heroes of business.

Since our reliance on technology increases with each passing day, IT is steadily moving to the front end—not the back—of business,” states a recent Forbes article, “The Changing Role of IT in the Future of Business, “IT workers aren’t just facilitating business goals; they’re driving change at an organizational level. CEOs are leaning on IT to deliver a competitive advantage as much as they do for a marketing strategy.”

This is the time for IT to shine, and we want to help you. With each release, we are on a mission to make our software easier to deploy, manage and maintain. We want to minimize the cost of installation and ongoing enhancements, so your IT team can help your business respond more quickly to market changes and trends in this age of digital disruption.

One example is our new Deployment Center, which gives you a centralized web-based application that you can use to deploy Active Workspace in your existing Teamcenter platform and upgrade just Active Workspace if you choose. Deployment Center also makes it easier for you to consistently deploy any custom software that you’ve built to one or more of your Teamcenter installations. Take a look at this video to see what I mean.

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This article continues our series to help you reach higher levels of IT efficiency, so your team can drive operations, and performance, to help your business thrive in the age of digital disruption.

Catch up on our declarative configuration series to learn how you can you can become faster, and more agile, in tuning Teamcenter to meet the changing needs of your business.

You can also read back through blog posts like Troubleshooting Environment Problems Using Admin Data Tools, How to Perform List of Value (LOV) Updates without System Downtime, and Store and Forward with File Management System (FMS) for more topics related to Teamcenter administration.

Margaret Furleigh

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at