
Materials Science: The Breakthrough of the Golden Era

Materials Science Builds Our Future

You can create breakthroughs in materials science and manage the materials in your new product designs that are likely to affect the future of technology.

Imagine working with a material in your design that has excellent electrical conductivity… but adds no heat to the system. It would be one of those new kinds of material properties that can change the product landscape across multiple categories.

It sounds like a miracle material, doesn’t it? Let me tell you about a discovery from Berkeley Lab’s Materials Sciences Division: metallic vanadium dioxide (VO2). A substance with exotic behavior that changes conductive properties at the warm temperature of 67 degrees Celsius; it’s also transparent up to 30 degrees, then reflects infrared light above 60 degrees – all while remaining transparent to visible light. (Science Alert)

Materials science

Using it opens up brand new applications, and lets your creativity run free to develop radical innovations:

  • a cooling system that converts heat to usable electrical current
  • electrical conductor for low-airflow application
  • motors that don’t overheat
  • challenge the common knowledge that better electrical conductors dissipate more heat

Teamcenter and Materials Management

VO2 is one material that Teamcenter can help your teams put through its paces in your new product designs. We are now in a golden era of materials science, and we can help you use this new knowledge to the pursuit of product success. Teamcenter’s Integrated Material Management is the single source of truth for material information from definition through design, simulation, compliance and manufacturing, and post-market.

Watch this OnDemand webinar to learn more about Teamcenter Integrated Material Management, and discover how Siemens customers are using Teamcenter to create innovative, successful products.

Many of the most pressing problems humans currently face are due to the limits of the materials that are available and how they are used. Thus, breakthroughs in materials science are likely to affect the future of technology significantly.

Whether managing the density, CAS number, or more advanced properties such as the Young modulus, Teamcenter helps you deliver the right material information to the right person to get their job done quickly and without error.

About the Author: Scott Luttgen works with product-developing organizations to centralize material information. This improves the fidelity of the digital twins from design through post-market, helps reduce costs and speed time to market. “Materials-orchestrated Simulation” is a current high priority. An evangelist for the development of sustainable products – and minimizing the work required by manufacturers to comply with chemical regulation – Scott is a 20-year employee of Siemens Digital Industries Software.

Scott Luttgen

Scott works with product-developing organizations to centralize material information. This improves the fidelity of the digital twins from design through post-market, helps reduce costs and speed time to market. “Materials-orchestrated Simulation” is a current high priority. An evangelist for development of sustainable products – and minimizing the work required by manufacturers to comply with chemical regulation – Scott is a 20-year employee of Siemens.

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