
Join Teamcenter Virtually @ Realize LIVE 2020

Thank you to the thousands of people from around the globe who joined Realize LIVE and inspired our community with stories of how we can succeed during challenging times when we come together around topics we are all passionate about.

We invite you to register and watch the on-demand session replays and continue the discussions in the Siemens community as well as in upcoming events to advance human-centered innovation and drive digital transformation in your organization.


As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to cause disruptions around the globe, the decision was made for Realize LIVE 2020 to be moved from Las Vegas to well, the comfort of your own device. While the novel coronavirus makes it unsafe for us to gather face-to-face, we know that you don’t want to hit pause on your professional growth or your organization’s innovation. In fact, the current state of the world makes digital transformation even more of an imperative than ever before.

Realize LIVE 2020 spans two days, June 23rd through the 24th. Two days of online sessions including thought-leadership keynotes, user experiences, best practices, and hands-on training.  Users talking to users, with many world-beating companies participating. Choose from 11 experiences and over 70+ sessions, you can personalize your experience around what matters most.

Realize LIVE 2020 Virtual Event

Within the Teamcenter experience, sessions are designed to share new techniques, best practices, advanced — and the latest software functionality. You can expect sessions to share practical knowledge from not only Siemens experts, but customers as well and discuss topics that encompass the entire product lifecycle.

This is a virtual experience — not a webinar. That important distinction means this is a participatory event, featuring technological engagement solutions. Pose questions in the Q&As. Participate in the live chats.

Realize LIVE brings together thousands of participants from across the globe who are looking for new ideas, new collaborators, and career-enhancing connections. Digital transformation is no longer tomorrow’s idea. Get a front-row seat, albeit virtually, at what the future promises tomorrow and discover how to make it real today.

Katie Schwarzwalder

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at