
Drag-and-drop your enterprise data to extend its value

Drag-and-drop mobile/web applications
Drag-and-drop mobile/web applications

Consolidating and extending the value of your data is now possible.

Taking control of your data and ensuring its reliability is one of the biggest challenges today’s organizations face. New information siloes are constantly being created, causing “workarounds” to be implemented by multiple disciplines or teams in your business. These silos can exist anywhere – such as in human resources, procurement, engineering, and maintenance. Information silos prevent the effective management and reuse of information which would be used to increase your organization’s innovation, productivity, and profit. So, how can Siemens help?

Siemens Xcelerator portfolio is your catalyst for a digital enterprise. And, within this portfolio, Teamcenter software brings you the functionality to consolidate and manage product, asset, and facility data in a single environment. Thus, forming a comprehensive digital twin of your plant, facility, or factory. This, of course, includes data from Siemens applications, but that is never enough! We’ve architected our ecosystem to be open and flexible, accommodating the best-in-class tools and systems used by organizations across Industry. Just think about the impact of consolidating data from Autodesk, AVEVA, Bentley Systems, Dassault Systemes, and Hexagon (and more!) to provide users across your organization with trustworthy and reliable information. Key partnerships and integrations allow you to connect this reliable source of information to other systems to achieve a single digital thread. These areas include Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Asset Management, and Enterprise Resource Planning (our recent partnership with SAP was just announced).

Now, this finally brings us to the topic of drag-and-drop mobile/web applications! Imagine your organization being able to EASILY create mobile/web applications to extend the value of your reliable enterprise data through customer engagement, product innovations, or business process automation. Again, this is all possible within our Siemens Xcelerator portfolio via Mendix low-code application development software where your organization can make anything from enterprise-grade apps that help factories run smoothly to simple tools to save you time. Learn more about the possibilities and use cases by visiting our Mendix website.

Lastly, click the video below to learn more about using our Teamcenter & Mendix software together:

Extending Your Industry Data: Drag-and-Drop Teamcenter Into User-Friendly Experiences
Justin DiNunzio

Justin is a Senior Marketing Manager for Siemens Digital Industries Software

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