
What’s New: Deployment Center 2.0

With the new Deployment Center, you can manage your Teamcenter PLM environment with ease. 

Easy, flexible and cost-effective product lifecycle management (PLM) tools for deployment are critical to help you realize the value of your investment. Deployment Center provides you with a centralized web-based application that you can use to deploy Teamcenter and manage your deployments. 

Deployment Center 2.0 was released in January 2018. This release is the next step in the Deployment Center’s support for installing, patching and upgrading Teamcenter software easier, faster and with lower costs.

Deployment-Center-2.jpgTeamcenter has the PLM deployment tools for you.

Instructional Deployment Center Videos for Teamcenter Customers

To learn more about how to use Deployment Center 2.0 a set of instructional videos have been created. These videos demonstrate topics such as how to install the Deployment Center, register software, set up development, test and production type environments, create custom software in the BMIDE and deploy using the Deployment Center, using software versions and build version numbers to designate release numbers, how to install and update an environment with multiple software packages simultaneously. Since each video introduces concepts about the Deployment Center and subsequent videos build on these concepts, it is suggested that the videos be viewed in order for a cohesive learning experience.

Deployment Center 2.0 demonstration videos (customer-only access)

The following is a listing of the video titles:
1. Installation of the Deployment Center
2. Registering Software
3. Creating a single box development environment
4. Creating a distributed production environment
5. Installing Foundation and Active Workspace simultaneously
6. Importing pre-existing environments
7. Adding Active Workspace to a pre-existing environment
8. Editing Environments
9. Adding a Server Pool to an environment
10. Switching the FMS Master
11. Creating and deploying a new BMIDE Template software package
12. Importing and deploying a pre-existing BMIDE Template software package
13. Deploying software on the path to production
14. Using software versions
15. Using build versions for pre-release software
16. Using a composite software project
17. Automated software package generation
18. Simultaneously installing Foundation, Active Workspace, and custom software
19. Simultaneously updating Active Workspace and custom software

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at