
Streamline product compliance with complete traceability of chemical composition

Supplier declarations and product compliance

Addressing product compliance regulations such as REACH, RoHS, Conflict Minerals, and California Prop 65 requires complete visibility into your product makeup, which includes material and substance data from your in-house and your supplied components. Without the right technology in place to help you automate the supplier declaration process, you could be at risk of noncompliance, costly errors, and missed deadlines. Making the leap from manual entry of supplier data to automation of data exchanges will require the use of industry data exchange standards.

Traceability of substances with Teamcenter

Teamcenter can help to address this complexity with support for industry standards such as IPC-175x and CMRT, along with integrations to supplier declaration databases like BOMcheck and IMDS. Management and traceability of materials used in products, including materials used in supplied components, help you to stay on top of product compliance regulations and stay compliant. Teamcenter now supports IPC-1753. The IPC-1753 laboratory declaration standard allows for the digital exchange of laboratory chemical analysis reports provided by laboratories. This standard will allow for the expedited exchange of the necessary laboratory information throughout the supply chain. Standards created by the IPC association, including IPC-1753, are used to facilitate machine-to-machine data processing using XML. Using these standards can improve the quality of data and turnaround times for data exchange.

In the future Teamcenter will enable even more substance related capabilities such as checking compliance against an IPC-1753 declaration from a laboratory in addition to checking compliance from supplier declarations using the IPC-1752A standard. Another powerful capability that will be added is the ability to compare the IPC-1753 from the laboratory to the IPC-1752A from the supplier.

About the blogger: Tedie West is the Siemens DISW product manager for Teamcenter materials management, compliance, and sustainability solutions. He serves on several IPC data exchange committees used throughout the industry that are important for interacting with suppliers and laboratories to get material, substance, and compliance information. Tedie has been with Siemens DISW for almost 15 years.

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