
Electrical ECAD MCAD Collaboration using Teamcenter

As much of the world continues to work remotely, it is critical to communicate product designs throughout organizations where the electrical and mechanical engineers are often hundreds, maybe thousands, of miles apart. Unfortunately, sharing and aligning the overwhelming amount of designs can be unmanageable, making this simple task risky to any collaborative project. But good news, electrical ECAD MCAD collaboration using PLM can make the process no longer a headache.

Corporations with multiple activities and domains are looking for their single source of truth that can be lost in the remote communications of a global company. Therefore, there is a need for a single system that supports ECAD MCAD collaboration, including the work in progress designs, changes, final output, and documentations.

ECAD MCAD Collaboration with PLM

Teamcenter is the solution for collaborating designs between ECAD and MCAD products. It is capable of delivering a unique arrangement of designs eliminating the misalignment in the design lifecycle process. By managing the electrical harness designs that represent the Electrical CAD and Mechanical CAD, Teamcenter then takes the designs through a seamless life cycle from inception to manufacturing.

Teamcenter communicates with Capital and NX

The video below walks you through how Teamcenter seamlessly works to align electrical ECAD MCAD collaboration. The video starts with an electrical engineer who wants to create a logical design from the electrical subsystem. The electrical engineer sends the design through Teamcenter to control the flow of information to the mechanical harness. This is happening while the mechanical engineer is concurrently developing the packaging space of the harness in the product context. The mechanical engineer modifies the MCAD model in NX to accommodate physical connectivity to devices or other harnesses in the product platform. The mechanical engineer communicates the modification and limitations back in Teamcenter. The electrical engineer then receives the modifications through the change manager in the capital harness and decides to update the harness drawing in the capital harness.

This process improves the communications between the electrical and the mechanical engineers using the Teamcenter integrations and solves the problem of wrong designs that leads to manufacturing an incompatible product (harness).

Teamcenter seamlessly works to align electrical ECAD MCAD collaboration

Electrical and Mechanical Design Management Integration

ECAD MCAD collaboration across the globe can be unmanageable, increasing the risk level of any collaborative project. Teamcenter manages the flow of designs and the links of those designs effortlessly. It doesn’t matter whether they are electrical or mechanical representations. Teamcenter works with any analysis and has a single source of truth. As a result, you will never need to worry about working in a remote or global environment within your organization or in the customer-vendor relationship.

To learn more please visit the MBSE web page or view other blogs on model based systems engineering.

Blend Shammami

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at