
Join Teamcenter Virtually at Realize LIVE Europe 2020

Reimagine innovation for our rapidly evolving world

Join us on November 3 and 4 for the two-day virtual Realize LIVE Europe event, where you’ll discover how a human-centered, digitally-powered approach to innovation will enable you to make the world a better place — and better your business, too.

What to expect?

Explore how putting people at the center of the product enables faster, smarter, and better innovation. Collect inspiring ideas, see the potential of new products, and enjoy a series of customer keynotes that will help you chart a path to digital transformation in your own organization. Along the way, you’ll learn how to prepare for where today meets tomorrow.

Realize LIVE Europe 2020 Event details

What’s different from the Realize LIVE event in June?

The Realize LIVE Europe event builds on the success of the June event and will be our first Realize LIVE in a European (CET) time zone. The event has been expanded with new technical content, European customer case studies, and a German local language track. Below are other additions to the events:

  • New customer keynotes
  • New management and user-specific experiences
  • 150+ sessions
  • 2x facilitated networking sessions based on audience chosen topics
  • Incorporates the previous PLM Europe, The Plant Simulation Conference, PLM Connection Austria, PLM Connection Switzerland

Why should I attend Realize LIVE Europe 2020?

  • Stay abreast of the latest trends in digital transformation
  • Learn how to be more proficient with the Siemens solutions you already own
  • Collaborate with other users
  • Become an industry influencer
  • It’s free!

Within the Teamcenter experience, sessions are designed to share new techniques and best practices. You can expect sessions to share practical knowledge from not only Siemens experts, but customers as well and discuss topics that encompass the entire product lifecycle.

This is a virtual experience — not a webinar. That important distinction means this is a participatory event, featuring technological engagement solutions. Pose questions in the Q&As. Participate in the live chats.

Register Today!

Register for Realize LIVE Europe 2020 Event.

If you’re interested to see the details of our June event check out the blog post, Teamcenter at Realize LIVE 2020 Recap

Katie Schwarzwalder

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