
Keep Projects On Schedule with Supplier Program Management

supplier program management 1.JPGMeet cost objectives and project deadlinesUse Supplier Program Management to meet cost objectives.

Managing suppliers on a global scale requires visibility into supplier data and processes, along with a strong collaboration technology.Read on to learn how you can streamline processes with your suppliers leveraging Teamcenter supplier program management.

Challenges Around Global Supplier Integration

To deliver on consumer demands for more custom and complex products, manufacturers rely more and more on supplier parts and services, on a global scale.This in turn creates a more complex supply chain, leaving manufacturers with some pretty tough collaboration and data management challenges throughout the product lifecycle. Consider how you manage data and processes for suppliers outside of your PLM environment today.Are you leveraging the right tools to ensure efficient collaboration with your suppliers? According to Reid Paquin from the Aberdeen Group in his article Getting a Handle On Design Data Exchange and Supplier Program Management, Best-In-Class companies are 48% more likely to manage and coordinate supplier tasks through automated workflows using PLM, which keeps the supply chain tightly integrated into the product development process.

Teamcenter Supplier Program Management

With supplier program management, you can plan and execute supplier projects within the context of an overall program. This provides visibility into and traceability of supplier deliverables, to reduce your cycle times and shorten time-to-market. You can initiate data sharing from Teamcenter task workflows and assign tasks to suppliers outside of your Teamcenter. Your suppliers receive notification of task requests through a secure supplier portal, which include instructions and reference data, and they can respond to the requests by uploading and submitting their deliverables. After approval, incoming deliverables from suppliers can then be aggregated to the product definition in Teamcenter.

Learn More

View this short video for an overview of Teamcenter supplier program management benefits. Check out previous articles around how Teamcenter supports supplier integration by visiting our blog page.

About the Blogger:

Kerri Doyle is a Siemens PLM Software product marketing manager for Teamcenter Product Sustainability, Materials Management, Quality and Supplier Integration solutions. 

Kerri Doyle
Senior Product Marketing Manager

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