
πŸ“’ apply now to present at Realize LIVE 2023

What are the presenter perks?

βœ… Enhance professional skills and drive business improvements

βœ… Become more proficient with Teamcenter

βœ… Complimentary access to the event

βœ… Connect with other users globally

Deadlines for presenter submissions:

πŸ“† Realize LIVE Americas – January 31st
πŸ“† Realize LIVE Europe – February 28th

What are the next steps?

Submit your abstract now! Tells us how Teamcenter has helped your company.

Las Vegas | REALIZE LIVE 2023 | Munich

Realize LIVE 2023 is an inclusive space for users, like you, to share the best practices, technical skills and success stories with other peers in your industry market and from around the world.

We need your expertise to help us realize our vision… The Teamcenter track will consist of sessions designed to share customer success stories, new techniques, product lifecycle management best practices and the latest software updates.

As a part of the customer journey, you are well-versed to help us spark moments of realization –whether it’s realizing collaboration, realizing digitalization or realizing a solution.

What an exciting opportunity to meet again in person! 

Realize LIVE Americas
πŸ“† 12-15 June 2023
🌐 Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

Realize LIVE Europe
πŸ“† 10-13 July 2023
🌐 Infinity Hotel, Munich, Germany

Join us at the digital transformation event of the year!

Teamcenter realize live

Present your story at Realize LIVE 2023

  • Share technical tips & tricks with your peers    
  • Use your success story to inspire your peers around the world
  • Be at the center of the event, meet old and make new friends and connections
  • Help us make Realize LIVE unforgettable and bring our community together
    to drive digital transformation!

Tech Talks

How have you applied your knowledge and expertise of Teamcenter to optimize processes, improve ways of working or solved a particular challenge?

Suggested topics

  • Product Lifecycle Management
  • Mechanical Design
  • Electronic Design
  • Simulation
  • Manufacturing
  • Software Development
  • Electrical Systems
  • Supply Chain Management

Process Innovation

How has your organization solved real-life business challenges using Teamcenter?

Suggested topics

  • Sustainability
  • Digitalization
  • Changing market and
    consumer demands
  • Streamlining operations

Jen Groisman

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at